Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I Own An Insurance Company!

And if you paid your taxes, so do you! Isn't it super neat to know that you own an interest in 80% of A.I.G.? I don't know about you, but I really like having a mandatory financial portfolio. Especially one that invests strictly in black holes of debt. That is what living in a capitalistic market is all about, right? It looks like there is a possibility of WaMu and Stanley Morgan being featured as apart of my brand new mandatory portfolio. All made possible by the Deregulation King, Phil Gramm (you know the guy "not" still advising John McCain on the economy)! And the other great thing about my new mandatory portfolio? It is good for my ass.

1 comment:

Nervana said...

One day when i eventually croak, will my heir be required to pay "theoretical taxes" on my imaginary portfolio???? It reminds me of my "pretend" health care.....otherwise known as will pay for my dr visits, as long as i'm not sick. go figure.