Thursday, August 10, 2006

Widespread Panic!

I woke up this morning and turned on the news to see what had been blown up in the middle east. Instead, I woke up to see everyone throwing away their lotion and shampoo. New public enemy number one: hair gel. They just can't stop talking about hair gel. And just in case you haven 't heard we are at terror level red (Britain is at "critical level" which sounds much more sophisticated that "red"). Thank god Bush and Blair are on vacation so they can react quickly! To show us that he is on the ball, Bush is going to Wisconsin to talk about the new terror threat. That makes so much sense. They aren't even going to let you take on drinks that you purchase inside the airport once you've passed security. I'm glad someone else agrees that airport coffee is not safe. I just heard it from the governor of Massachusetts, so I have it on good authority. Personally can't wait to fly out of Midland tomorrow. I'm sure they have taken this plot personally.

I was just about to publich this, when the "reporter" said the terrorist were going to blow up ten airlines! Shows you what I know because I thought they were going to blow up ten airplanes...


mad said...

You left the NM already?

Very funny tag.

Anonymous said...

I hope I can bring my KY gel on my next vacation!!!

pineapple said...

mad: I'm safely in NM until I go to that dangerous airport in Midland tomorrow.

rebeccabobecca: amen!