Thursday, July 06, 2006

It has been a Kinky kind of DeLay

Kinky is gaining in the polls. According to one poll, he has pulled ahead to second place. Frankly, I don’t give a shit who wins so long as it isn’t Pretty Boy Perry (who still leads in all the polls). He has managed to destroy our voting rights, our schools, and has taxed the hell out of small businesses. Way to stick it to the little guy, asshole. If you live in Texas, go vote this November. It only takes a plurality to win, so the one with the most votes wins.

And speaking of voting. Judge Sam Sparks agreed that Tom DeLay must stay on the ballot and the Republicans can't declare him "ineligible" to run. No last place replacements for you and a Democrat will represent Sugar Land! For once, a judge that has read the US Constitution and is willing to declare that ole Tommy breaks the law.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...