Monday, January 21, 2008

Shirley Picks A Presidential Candidate

Last September, my dogs made their feelings about W and the war in Iraq pretty clear when Laverne growled at the president's speech about the war. The girls were completely unimpressed with his lies and demanded to be let out of the house immediately. Since then, they have kept their political views to themselves. That was until yesterday. I was watching Meet The Press and so was Shirley. She was at attention, tilting her head back and forth and staring at the TV like she was really paying attention. Every time they mentioned Barack Obama, she began wagging her tail a little. They showed a clip of him speaking and the tail wagging got more intense. I guess his message of hope and change really speaks to her. When I asked her if she liked Barack Obama, she wagged her tail again and gave me a kiss. Then I asked if she liked Hillary Clinton and she snorted and turned her head away from me. I guess we know who she will be voting for in the March primary. I didn't have the heart to tell Shirley that by the time we have our primary in Texas, the presidential nominee will probably have already been decided. I tried to ask Laverne who she likes, but it seems that she is still undecided.


Unknown said...

Some dogs are just plain smart. Of course mine tend to sleep through the ramblings of the candidates.

mad said...

That's all the endorsement I need!

pineapple said...

jill: my dogs do their fair share of dumb things -- like eating my phone charger yesterday. but they do seem to be politically astute. i guess it is a trade off...

mad: me too. i feel like i need to speak out for shirley(since she isn't registered to vote). it may be crazy, but i will vote they way she wants me to.