Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Baby Steps, Ya'll

While things are looking good for Obama nationwide, obviously Texas was called for the Mayor. While they are still counting the votes here, this is the thing that struck me: the race was too close to call in Texas for two hours. That is progress. Usually, they can call all of our statewide races almost immediately. We are still a red state, but it seems that red has faded a bit.


mad said...

No worries. In four years Texas will have to contend with the growing Hispanic vote.

Unknown said...

Well since the Republicans will have to rebuild, I heard Rick Perry's name mentioned to help with that. Ha,ha...

pineapple said...

mad: they still love the "W", just not as much as they used to.

jill: I almost fell out of my chair when I read your comment. I wish he would help -- that way we can guarantee a better outcome in Texas in 2012.