Monday, August 11, 2008

The Question of the day is: "WTF?"

1. Dan Quayle has announced to Matt Lauer that John Edwards' affair ended his political career. While that may or may not be true, why are we asking some fool without a viable political career himself about the status of someone else's career? He can't even spell the word "potato". I suppose you could argue that he is an expert on non-careers in politics. Matty also asked and listened to his opinions on the "new" Russia v. Georgia conflict. Who cares what this guy has to say about either topic. So I ask, wtf?

2. According's latest news, Angelina Jolie hasn't picked a presidential candidate. And we care why? Has she become some sort of political expert since my Crapple stopped working over the weekend? And is so, wtf?

3. And speaking of president, according to the New York Times John McCain is on phone restriction to keep him from saying stupid shit (like that's going to help!). Apparently, he is prone to adopting the last opinion he heard. And people want him to lead a nation? And to that I say, wtf?


mad said...

Yeh, ain't America great! I didn't realize Dan Quayle was still, you know, alive.

Unknown said...

Maybe NBC could not find a credible warm body to discuss the importance of keeping a man's pants zipped. And Jolie is just the flavor of the month. McCain is just, well just old.

pineapple said...

mad: and possibly a contestant on Dancing With The Stars...

jill: oh? does the today show get credible people to appear? also, john mccain admitted to cheating on his first wife so he is not only old, but not very credible...