Monday, July 21, 2008

My, How Geography Has Changed

First of all, I want to say, "ha ha." So far, Barack Obama's fact finding trip to Iraq has been a big wake up call to the republicans. And revealed their need for many boxes of tissue to get all of the egg off of their collective faces. McSame and his idol, Baby Boy Bush, have been pooh-poohing Obama's timetable to get out of Iraq. Today, the Iraqi Prime Minister said in plain English that they want America to follow Obama's plan to GET OUT of Iraq by 2010. Ha. Ha.

At this point, McSame is scrambling to turn this to his advantage -- as in he is grasping for straws and gasping for air. Case in point, his appearance on Good Morning America where he proved once again that he is no master of geography. An important part of foreign policy, no? Let's face it. In May 2007, Bush said "if they were to say leave, we'd leave." So how do the republicans explain why we should stay? (p.s. I chose this for the fun music and chose to ignore the glaring typo.)

I do wonder, just how far away is Czechoslovakia from the Afghanistan-Pakistan border?

And then McSame made his real comeback with his new "energy" ad:

Did you know that Barack Obama is singlehandedly responsible for the price of gas? Wow. He has a lot of power for someone McSame has been trivializing for months now. The high gas prices have absolutely nothing to do with speculators inflating the price of oil (thanks to the deregulation created Phil Gramm former campaign co-chair and economic adviser to John McCain), the fact that OPEC doesn't feel the need to play ball with a lame duck president, or the fact that oil is a historically undervalued commodity. So how many times has McSame voted against offshore drilling? Look into because he did in 2003. Or what about the time he voted against the amendment that would have required that all oil drilled at ANWR be used exclusively by Americans? And how would his gas tax holiday gimmick help exactly? I mean screw those roads, highways, and bridges we drive on. The infrastructure funding raised by gas taxes will already fall far short in light of the fact that people are buying less gas -- let's have a tax holiday! So, by all means let's blame Barack Obama for the never ending increase in gas prices (and ignore the decrease last week that had nothing to do with new drilling).

We could totally end our dependence on foreign oil with all of McSame's hot air.


Unknown said...

Well, old man John has to blame someone...

pineapple said...

he should try looking in the mirror...