Monday, July 14, 2008

It is called SATIRE, people

It always makes me really sad when I realize just how stupid people are. As this fabulous cover of The New Yorker is plastered all of the TV for being"offensive" and "in poor taste", I just lose a little bit of my faith in humanity. Wake up! Its satire! You know, "a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn" or "trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly." If the definition from the dictionary is too much to handle, it is a big joke.

Everything in that picture is based on vicious lies that have been told about Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle. Just because people are too stupid, too racist, too sexist, too bigoted, and too judgmental to see it for what it is doesn't mean it isn't hilarious. I saw this cartoon and laughed my ass off. When first questioned about the cartoon, Barack Obama shrugged his shoulders and said he didn't have anything to say. I wonder if it was because he is smart enough to know that not all of his supporters will get the joke and he knows they will be oh so offended? I'm not that smart because if there were a bunch of ignorant pricks spreading lies about me and The New Yorker did a cartoon of it, my response would be, that's the funniest fucking thing I've seen all day."


Anonymous said...

The only reason that this Mr. & Mrs. Obama satire DOES have impact — and may very likely spread — is because like all good satire, or good humor for that matter, there’s more than a germ of truth in it. Otherwise, the satire would utterly roll off the Obamoids’ backs, having no impact.

mad said...

I'm just hoping the post office doesn't steal my issue that's supposed to get delivered this week. It's a classic.

pineapple said...

malloy: while that is an interesting perspective, the fact that everything depicted is patently and completely false is what makes it satire. I invite you to re-read the definition of satire I provided to you in my blog. You may also want to look into the definition of parody (a literary or musical work in which the style of an author or work is closely imitated for comic effect or in ridicule).

mad: I so need a copy so I can frame it and hang it proudly -- as satire, not parody.

Unknown said...

I was not all that crazy about it, but I have looked at that magazine since I was a kid. While maybe not the best of taste, you are right it is satire. Some people just won't get it so why make a big deal of it?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I just spent an hour hearing about it on TV. I mean it was the the Daily Show and Colbert Report so they weren't serious at all about it, but yeah. People just don't understand satires as much anymore.

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mad said...

btw, too good to be true?

pineapple said...

jill: it is just another thing for people to whine and bitch about. People need to lighten up a bit.

marilynn: no they don't. what's up with the sapphire obsession?

mad: we are used to space aliens. I mean Texas did keep electing Phil Gramm.