Thursday, July 10, 2008

It is all in your head, dipshit

Apparently everything that has to do with the economy is all in your head. Just like Phil Gramm's notion that he does not look like an alien is all in his head. So let's all believe that the economy is if fantastic shape and that the ever increasing price of gas is a good thing. That too, can be all in our heads. I suppose that all of the people that were ripped off by the sub-prime lending scam and lost their homes are actually living in imaginary cardboard boxes. I know that economic stimulus check was all in my head because I never saw it. So maybe this mental recession thing is really on the mark.


Unknown said...

Gramm must have eaten too much Swiss cheese at that Swiss bank he works for. I just want to know where he went to school for his degree in Economics? Oops, there I go again. Whine, whine...

pineapple said...

mad: it is all in your head.

jill: quit your whining.