Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A Stupid Way To Save Money

The Texas House and Senate are up to it again. They have decided that they really need to legislate marriage some more. On Monday, they passed an "incentive" bill to get couples to go to counseling before applying for a marriage license. They want to raise the fee for a marriage license to $60. BUT if you go to an 8 hour marriage class first, you can get your license for the discounted price of $30. I don't see how paying $60 or an 8 hour course will slow down the divorce rate that is such a concern to Warren Chism (Republican/Nazi - Pampa). Once you are an adult, you are free to make all kinds of stupid decisions. I would like to pass a bill to stop the government from wasting time and start fixing things that really need it. Maybe if people had a better basic education, they would have the skills they need to make better decisions. Just a thought...


mad said...

Egads, that's gotta be worse than sitting through 8 hours of driver's ed.

pineapple said...

maybe they will have the really abd comedy version like they do for driver's ed...